Michela Mortara, Giuseppe
Patanè, M. Spagnuolo, B. Falcidieno - IMATI-GE, CNR Italy
Given a
two-manifold closed surface represented by a triangle mesh, Plumber
automatically extracts the features that can be described as
generalized cylinders or cones; we call these features, together with
their concave counterparts, i.e. narrow tunnels and wells, tubular
features. The Plumber approach classifies the vertices of a given
triangle mesh according to their curvature and shape behavior in
neighborhoods of increasing size. Main characteristics of the method
and implementation are: 1. a multi-scale segmentation. Each feature is
associated to a scale related to its size; 2. stability to noise; 3.
abstraction of each tubular feature as a centerline skeleton with
information regarding its shape (e.g., approximated volume, length of
the skeletal line); 4. possibility of exporting the segmentation
results and stored information as off files. Input: a closed triangle
mesh. Output: a shape segmentation into connected components that are
either tubular features, identified by regions which can be described
as generalized cones or cylinders, and body regions identified by
patches which connect tubular features.
Mortara M., Patané G., Spagnuolo M. From geometric to semantic
human body models. In: Computers & Graphics, vol. 30 (2) pp.
185-196. Elsevier, 2006. [PDF]
Mortara M.,
Patanè G., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B., Rossignac J. Blowing
Bubbles for Multi-Scale Analysis and Decomposition of Triangle Meshes.
In: Algorithmica, vol. 38 (1) pp. 227-248. Springer, 2004. [PDF]
Mortara M.,
Patanè G., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B., Rossignac J. Plumber: a
method for a multi-scale decomposition of 3D shapes into tubular
primitives and bodies. In: Ninth ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and
Applications SM'04 (Genova, Italy, 9-11 June 2004). Proceedings, pp.
339-344. G. Elber, N. Patrikalakis, P. Brunet (eds.). Eurographics
Association, 2004. [PDF]
Attene M., Katz S.,
Mortara M., Patané G., Spagnuolo M., Tal A. Mesh segmentation -
a comparative study. In: IEEE International Conference on Shape
Modeling and Applications 2006 (SMI'06) (Matsushima, Japan, 14-16 June
2006). Proceedings, pp. 14-25. IEEE Computer Society, 2006. [PDF]
Attene M., Biasotti
S., Mortara M., Patanè G., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
Computational methods for understanding 3D shapes. In: Computers &
Graphics, vol. 30 (3) pp. 323-333. Elsevier, 2006. [PDF]
Patanè G.,
Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B. Para-Graph: Graph-Based Parameterization of
Triangle Meshes with Arbitrary Genus. In: Computer Graphics Forum, vol.
23 (4) pp. 783-797. Blackwell Publishing, 2004. [PDF]
Mortara M.,
Patanè G. Shape-covering for skeleton extraction. In:
International Journal of Shape Modeling, vol. 8 (2) pp. 139-158. World
Scientific Publishing Company, 2002. [PDF]