Tutorial T12 - Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

Eurographics 2007

3D shape description and matching based on properties of real functions

S. Biasotti(1) , B. Falcidieno (1) , P. Frosini (2) , D. Giorgi (1) , C. Landi (3) , S. Marini (1) , G. Patane (1) and M. Spagnuolo (1)

(1) CNR - IMATI - GE, Italy
(2) University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
(3) University of Bologna, Italy

This tutorial covers a variety of methods for 3D shape matching and retrieval that are characterized by the use of a real-valued function defined on the shape (mapping function) to derive its signature. The methods are discussed following an abstract conceptual framework that distinguishes among the three main components of these class of shape matching methods: shape analysis, via the application of the mapping function, shape description, via the construction of a signature, and comparison, via the definition of a distance measure. Goal of the tutorial is to facilitate the understanding and the analysis of properties at the three different stages.
The tutorial is available in PDF format.

  1. EG07-T12-intro.pdf
  2. EG07-T12-functions.pdf
  3. EG07-T12-descriptors.pdf
  4. EG07-T12-matching.pdf
  5. EG07-T12-conclusions.pdf
  6. EG07-T12-abstract.pdf